No record deal, no dream fulfilled, no three minute video
No catchy jingle, no big hit single playing on the radio
Can make me happy
Can make me feel the way you do
Can make me happy
I wanna make you happy too
No flashy cars, no movie stars, no man, woman, boy or girl
No fancy things, no diamond rings, nothing in the whole wide world
Can make me happy
Can make me feel the way you do
You make me happy
I want to make you happy too
You make me happy
You make me feel the way I do
You make me happy
I wish the whole world knew you too
No I cannot count the ways you have made my life so blessed
All I know is that you came and made beauty of my mess
Hey, all!
Suzanna here.
These lyrics are so...well...happy. Believe me, I am not a big get-up-and-groove kind of person, but the beat and sound of this song made me want to dance when I listened to it.
The cool thing about these lyrics is that it's saying that nothing on this earth matters. not fancy stuff, or how famous you are, or anything. The only thing that matters is God, and His love for you.
I don't ever listen to Ayiesha Woods, but I came across this song and it's pretty cute.
I have to be honest, I think the lyrics speak for themselves! I really can't think of anything to say about them other than, God makes me happy. Whenever I think about Him I get the smiles, and I just want to go sing Him a love song, because I'm truly in love with Christ.
Here's something I want you to do tonight. When you pray, thank God for the things that make you happy. Maybe it's a best friend, or climbing trees, or your dog! Whatever it is; thank God for it, and if your dog is what makes you happy, go give him a massage.
Thanks for reading!!

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