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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Modern and Past Missionaries

Well...I was supposed to write about modern and past missionaries, but, me being the rebellious person that I am, I decided I'd just write about modern missionaries.

So, when I think of the word missionary, I think about some adventurous person wearing khaki shorts and a green t-shirt searching for a tribe to preach to through binoculars. What do you picture?

But, the funny thing is that there's another type of missionary. If you are a Christian and you talk to you friends, family, people you don't even know about God, then you're a missionary.

In my big, thick Webster's dictionary (I named it Big Ol' Blu.) the definition of 'missionary' is a person sent on a mission; specif., a person sent out by his church to preach and teach.

The church that I go to have different missionaries come from all over the world to talk about what they do. I think listening to their stories and the ways they live are so interesting. So different from what I'm used to here in America, that's for sure.

And all of our missionaries that visit our church all say that they felt led to go out into the world and preach the gospel. I know God has different talents and things that he gives people, and I definitely don't feel called to be a missionary in Peru, the Phillipines, China. I feel like God is calling me to help the people around me. The people I see every week in town, the people visiting our church.

And maybe one day God will call me to go somewhere exotic or out of my comfort zone to help people become Christians. But for now, I'm just working on the people around me. Because, just like in Europe or Mexico, there's people around, -lots of them, I might add- that need Christ in their life.'s a little challenge; try being a missionary for a day. You might get something out of it; the person you're talking to might get something out of it; or all of the above. The latter would be best...

Thanks for reading. Please take this entry to heart...I know I will!!


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