You are beautiful. Because Jesus says so.

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

God Loves You

God loves you.
Those three words are so powerful! They have comforted many in times of trouble or need, and have often brought about the conversion of ordinary people. We hear it so often in our Christian society. Although the words have not lost their meaning, some people don’t fully understand what they really do mean. Of course we know that God loves us, but how much?

Well, first of all, the Bible tells us that God is love. That concept is probably hard to grasp, but what I believe it means is that God has so many different facets that we will never understand Him all. His love is so deep, so undescribable, and so eternal, that we won’t be able to understand it at its fullest either—and that is just a portion of him!

However, when Jesus was hanging on the cross to die, the weight of the world quite literally on his shoulders, we were able to glimpse just a bit of how much God loves us. He loves us enough for Him to come down on a little baby, and live in this world of sin, so that he could die on the cross many years later and take away the sins of all mankind—past, present, and future.

This month, and for the rest of the year, I hope you will remember the truest love there could ever be, and share it with others.

{This post was originally published in Kids of Faith Online Newsletter.}


Heidi said...

Great thoughts, Kylie! :) I'm going to post a link to Beautiful in Christ on my blog. Do you have a button I can put in my sidebar also?

Beautiful in Christ said...

Hi Aunt Heidi! :)

Thanks so much for linking to us.

We currently don't have a blog button, but I plan to make one very soon. I'll let you know when I have it made.

Thanks for commenting!
