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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Redefining Christmas

Christmastime is definitely approaching. I can almost smell it in the air. People are gearing up for the busy holiday season, and depending on where you live, you’ve probably had at least one snowfall. Everything is centered around preparing for the arrival of what is probably the biggest and most-anticipated holiday of the year.

Christmas is probably my favorite holiday, but not just because of the general holiday cheer. I enjoy being able to spend time with family, give them gifts, and most of all, celebrate the birth of my Savior, Jesus Christ. To me, Christmas is just one more opportunity to really reflect on the sacrifice Jesus made for us. After all, the reason Jesus came to be on earth was so that He could grow up, die, and be resurrected, to take away the sins of the world. This season, I’ve been thinking a lot about Jesus, and the hope that He’s given us. Without Him, Christmas seems so empty. Christ has to remain in Christmas, otherwise it will become meaningless.

As I thought about it, I wanted some way to be able to share this hope with others. I was thrilled this morning when my mom told me we had some money to give. Excitedly, my siblings and I looked at all of our possibilities. We had so much fun choosing who we could bless this Christmas. In the end, we gave to several causes, such as a local pregnancy center, our local shelters, and several organizations that minister to families overseas. I felt so ecstatic that I was making a difference, and helping other Christians bring Jesus’ hope to those in need. This morning I discovered that the old adage rings true—to give is better than to receive. I can’t explain the feeling I got after choosing to give, but it was inexplicably wonderful. I realized what Christmas is really about—it’s about Jesus, and giving others His hope.

This Christmas, I’m going to redefine my focus. I’m going to focus on what I can give rather than what I will be getting. I’m going to focus on the ways that I can bring light to others, even if it’s just smiling at a random person who passes by me. Most of all, I’m going to look for every opportunity I can to remind those around me of Jesus, the real reason for Christmas. Who’s with me?


1 comment:

Bluejane said...

Great post! I was just thinking about this when I opened this blog. It totally pulled on my thoughts together.
Also don't forget to say "Merry Christmas!" To EVERYONE! It's so much fun.

Out of the Blue:jane